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Your smile is vital
About VitaSmile
Here at Vitasmile our office has become our patient’s home from home. We make sure that each person that walks through the doors, regardless of age, sex or nationality feels welcome and comfortable with each visit. We strive to offer the best services available, regardless of the nature of your visit. We make sure that each and every one of our staff are dedicated to the job, and are able to our patients with a high quality service, getting the satisfaction that they deserve. We are only successful when our patients are ready to walk out with a smile, and happy to offer us up as a recommendation to their friends and family.
Our services are varied. You can get dental services or Botox! Our dental services are extensive and we offer root canal, implants, smile makeovers, in fact, you name it and we can offer it to you. When it comes to teeth, we are your one stop call to get that much needed smile!
Our working hours have been provided to ensure that we can reach out to you, regardless of your timings. If you are a student, have kids, or are a full blown professional in the work place we will be able to see you around your schedule. Our team is a family, and we would like you to be a part of that family unit to. When you enter into our practice, we are confident that you will enjoy your experience and feel a part of that family.
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Our Philosophy
When you enter VitaSmile, the main aim that we have is to ensure that your smile is altered and you walk out happy and not ashamed to show it. Our Botox services are on offer so you can combat aging and are enabled to freeze time and help get rid of wrinkles. We use state of the art equipment and it has been set up in a way to ensure that you have complete comfort and don’t feel awkward.
VitaSmile have some of the best standards that are on offer in dentistry today. Because of that we can offer you the dental care that you deserve. We work together as a team, and it helps to contribute to the high standard of care that our patients receive, the moment that they enter the building.
Our safety is uncompromised, and we have extremely strict sterilisation and contamination practices. All of which have been set up to ensue that you are protected. Each and every one of our staff are highly trained and committed to continue their education if need be. The moment that latest methods of dentistry hit the market, we aim to learn them, and offer them to you!
Trust is important and we know how hard it can be to be able to maintain a high level of oral care. That is why we are here to help and not judge you. You will feel great once you have started to make regular dental visits and keep on top of your oral health. We look forward to being able to serve you, and feel honoured that you chose us! Why not call and make an appointment today?
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Our Technologies
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Eco Materials
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